
Development Plan

Development of the concept for a smart contract with fixed percentage payouts.

Development and testing of a random liquidity mechanism between pools
Development of an automated coin payout system.
Testing and Preliminary Launch

Testing the smart contract in a test network, checking all functions.
Security audit and addressing potential vulnerabilities.

Preliminary launch of the smart contract with a limited number of users.
Collection and analysis of feedback.
Official Launch and Expansion

Official launch of the Sodality Coin smart contract.
Beginning the process of paying out interest according to established terms.

Monitoring and optimization of contract operation.
Expansion of marketing and educational campaigns to attract users.

2025 and Beyond: Sustainability and Growth

Continuous monitoring and community support.
Development of the community and strengthening trust in the project.

Project Features
No pre-sale, token distribution, reserves, or lock-ups.
Full decentralization of management after contract launch.
All coins in circulation are publicly available.

This roadmap represents a strategic development plan for Sodality Coin and outlines consecutive steps for integrating an innovative smart contract into the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Sodality Coin that changes the lives of millions of people


All coins have different capitalizations and staking interest rates, leading to their unique relevance and volatility in the market. This creates diverse investment scenarios, offering investors unique opportunities for portfolio development and engagement in dynamically changing market trends.


We aim to create products that make cryptocurrency investment accessible, safe, and profitable for a broad range of users. Our approach to innovation is not just about technological advancements but also about creating a unique user experience that exceeds our clients' expectations.


We believe that the power of community is key to success in the blockchain world. Our goal is to create an inclusive and supportive space where every community member feels valued and can contribute to the common cause.
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